The Demon Meat Shake - Diablo IV
For the long-awaited launch of Diablo IV, we brought hell to the doors of gamers all over the US. During the Diablo IV Beta period, billions of demons were slayed - and we just couldn’t let that demon meat go to waste. So we chopped, blended, drained and poured them—creating the Demon Meat Shake. Killed in the game, enjoyed IRL.
This ultra limited 100% vegan drink was simply ordered by making a post on Twitter with #demonmeatshake. The lucky ones then got it delivered right to their door, sparking reactions all over the web.

Before launching this “milkshake from hell” into the mortal world, we teased our audience for a bit with some gory and intriguing content on Diablo’s social channels early on in the week. This built up a suspension and the questions were piling up in the comment sections - then we launched it. The gamer community went wild on social media, and the shake sold out in the blink of an eye.

To really bring a piece from hell to our world, we also hosted a spectacular VIP dinner event in NYC. A selection of celebrities, press and influencers got the chance to eat their way through Diablo IV - with the Demon Meat Shake being the grand, evil, finale.